I have to start somewhere writing code. There is a stock piece of code from Nordic that claims to use a BLE library, plus a dongle to emit advertising packets from a PC.
The code is pretty simple, and the library is a DLL. I have to arrange that the DLL ends up in the same directory as the executable before the program runs, but every time I clean the code it get’s deleted. Then the program is simply silent. It took a while to figure that bit out.
So far I seem to have managed to compile the code and get it to start the DLL. It runs but doesn’t do anything.
If I run the code from a command line I get a bit more information than the zero I get from within Eclipse.
The dongle is actually on COM7. Small code change. Seems a bit better, but now what?
I think the Nordic dongle has to be programmed with some alternative code. I have not found instructions to that effect yet. Need to poke around. Also, presumably the dongle needs to have the right sort of soft machine installed.
I have not found any help yet, but I notice that there are three hex files packaged with the C code.
bad news, it still doesn’t work.
Now what?