I just read through the Nordic and RayTac manuals and discovered answers to what we were talking about today re. pin assignments for TS06.3
Here are the “standard” pin assignments for SPI, I2C and UART. There are two SPI controllers, two I2C controllers, and one UART controller. It is only possible to have three such “serial” devices active simultaneously. I discuss this more below under “Controller conflicts”
First let’s collect up all the standard pin assignments that the the Nordic software assumes.
Standard Pins Assignments
There are two SPI controllers SPI0, and SPI1. The pin numbers are as follows. The DW module should be connected to SPIM0
#define SPIM0_SCK_PIN 23u /**< SPI clock GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_MOSI_PIN 20u /**< SPI Master Out Slave In GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_MISO_PIN 22u /**< SPI Master In Slave Out GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_SS_PIN 21u /**< SPI Slave Select GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM1_SCK_PIN 29u /**< SPI clock GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM1_MOSI_PIN 24u /**< SPI Master Out Slave In GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM1_MISO_PIN 28u /**< SPI Master In Slave Out GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM1_SS_PIN 25u /**< SPI Slave Select GPIO pin number. */
There are two I2C controllers. Each controller uses two GPIO pins which can be any of the available GPIOs.
Any four pins can be used for the UART. The standard pins to use are:
#define RX_PIN_NUMBER 11
#define TX_PIN_NUMBER 9
#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 10
#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 8
I added in the ADC pins because they are special, and we might need the odd ADC pin for something. The ADC uses a minimum of two pins. One samples the input, and the other provides a reference voltage. If we have any ADC needs then we will have to use:
- either pin 23 or pin 17 for reference voltages.
- pins 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, or 23 as inputs.
Because 9 and 10 are used for the UART, and 20-23 for the SPI0, we are left with 17, 18 and 19.
#define AREF0 17u // ADC reference pin
#define AIN2 18u // ADC sample pin #1
#define AIN3 19u // ADC sample pin #2
Controller conflicts
It isn’t possible to have all five serial controllers active at the same time because they share address space.
SPI0 and I2C0 share the same address space
SPI1 and I2C1 share the same address space
The UART has it’s own address space.
So allowed combos are:
- UART and 2 x SPI, or
- UART and 2 x I2C, or
- UART and 1 x SPI, and 1 x I2C.
There are various weasel words that allow other combinations, but we must have 1 x SPI for the DW, and 1 x I2C for the Coulomb counter. Clearly I will have to figure out how to string other devices on the SPI bus with the DW.
Summary of suggested Nordic GPIO pin assignments
So pulling all this together we end up with the following constraints on pin assignments
#define 0u
#define 1u
#define 2u
#define 3u
#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 8u // UART
#define TX_PIN_NUMBER 9u // UART
#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 10u // UART
#define RX_PIN_NUMBER 11u // UART
#define 12u
#define 13u
#define 14u
#define 15u
#define 16u
#define AREF0 17u // ADC reference pin
#define AIN2 18u // ADC sample pin #1
#define AIN3 19u // ADC sample pin #2
#define SPIM0_MOSI_PIN 20u /**< SPI Master Out Slave In GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_SS_PIN 21u /**< SPI Slave Select GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_MISO_PIN 22u /**< SPI Master In Slave Out GPIO pin number. */
#define SPIM0_SCK_PIN 23u /**< SPI clock GPIO pin number. */
#define I2C_CLK 24U // I2C clock pin
#define I2C_DAT 25U // I2C data pin
#define 26u
#define 27u
#define 28u
#define 29u
Other pins that can be connected to any GPIO are
DW_RSTn — this may not be needed
SLAVE_SEL x N for any other SPI devices beyond DW which uses pin21
All other pins can be assigned to LEDS, or BUTTONS